Physical exercise

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Because of the low Martian gravity the muscles are utilized inadequately by daily duties. Additional Physical exercise must be organized every day.

Depending upon the settlement layout the dwellers may be forced to walk long distances and use stairs for their routine duties. Imaginable long distances to walk occur within a system of artificial caves.

taking the stairs instead of elevator

Effects on the human body

  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Helps to prevent certain types of diabetes by influencing the metabolism
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases
  • Prevents arthritis
  • Lift spirits by generating endorphins
pumping tons of weights

Integrated energy generation

Physical exercise can be combined with the generation of energy. There are many possible ways to generate electricity. A dynamo should be built in every stationary bicycle. Piezoelectric elements can be a part of some exercise equipment. Compressed-air can be produced by connected mechanical air pump.