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Mg 12

Abundance: 2.3%

Magnesium, periodic table Mg, is a metal. It has 12 protons, and its most common isotope has 12 neutrons, for an atomic mass of 24. Mg25 and Mg26 are stable, and represent about 20% of magnesium.

  • Magnesium is the third most commonly used metal after Iron and aluminum.
  • It is an essential mineral for life and magnesium must be provided in the settler's diet. It is the eleventh most abundant element by mass in the human body and is essential to all cells and some 300 enzymes.
  • Magnesium[1] is common on the Martian surface, in particular in the mineral Magnesite that has been detected by the Spirit Rover. Magnesite can be refined into the refractory Magnesium oxyde, and further into Magnesium by electrolysis.
  • It is used in a number of metal alloys, often when more ductility is desired.
  • It is used in thermite, a low tech way of gaining high temperatures and welding. However, this use will be less useful on Mars without an oxygen atmosphere.
