Nuclear fusion

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Modern nuclear power generates energy by splitting apart rare, huge atoms releasing the binding energy. This is called nuclear fission.

However, stars generate energy by joining small atoms into larger ones. This is called fusion. Fusion power plants have not been built on Earth yet. But if such a power source is created, it might be a good source of power on Mars.

Advantages on Mars

Fusion may use Deuterium, an Isotope of hydrogen with one proton and one neutron. Deuterium is rare, and expensive to concentrate. However, Deuterium on Mars is 5 times more common than on Earth, so this concentration step would be 5 times cheaper. (In fact, deuterium is so expensive, it might be worth exporting concentrated deuterium to Earth.) If Fusion Propulsion space craft are built, Mars may be a spot to inexpensively refuel them. (Mars' low gravity makes getting fuel into space cheaper than on Earth.)

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