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The Marspedia Governing Council was formed in October 2017 to manage and grow the wiki. An initial set of Bylaws was drafted by representatives of our three Founding Organizations.

The Members of the Marspedia Governing Council are as follows:

Susan Holden Martin

James Burk (jburk)

Michael Stoltz

Carie Fay *Ex-Officio (Administrative Director of the Mars Society)

Mike Delaney (Mdelaney)

Rosalie Dieteman (Miros1)

Bruce Mackenzie (BMackenzie) *Ex-Officio (Executive Director of the Mars Foundation)

Also invited to the Council but not yet accepted:

James Gholston (Strangelv) *Ex-Officio (Designated Representative to Marspedia by the Moon Society)

Lucinda Offer

Nicole Willet

All of the above individuals shall be Voting Members of the Council and shall have voting privileges.  All of the above individuals have 2-year terms that expire at the Mars Society Convention in 2019.

*Ex-Officio means they are members because of their office.  In all cases above, these members have voting privileges and otherwise are the same as regular (non-Ex-Officio) members.

The first Council meeting will happen within a couple weeks, where we will select a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and discuss/approve the Bylaws.