Marspedia Editorial Subcommittee
The Marspedia Editorial Subcommittee is chartered by the Marspedia Governing Council to improve and maintain the wiki though a group of volunteer content editors and authors.
Weekly Meetings
The Editorial Subcommittee will have our first weekly Teleconference working session on the Zoom.US service, on Thursday 10/26 at 3pm Eastern / 2pm Central / 1pm Mountain / 12pm Pacific (7pm UTC).
Join the meeting, or dial in using one of the following US numbers (pick one close to you): +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833 - the meeting passcode is 860 784 147 - International Numbers
We are using the When2Meet Service to select future meeting times.
Email List
We can be reached using the email list You can join the list by visiting this link.
Marching Orders from the Council
We need to determine what content is needed on the wiki, the process for assigning out & approving new content, and how the editorial committee can keep momentum, either through regular weekly working sessions or some of type of Slack-like tool. It would be great to redesign the home page as well to add some graphics and make it easy for new volunteers to plug in quickly.