Marspedia:New Category Hierarchy
This is the current version (4/17/18) of the Category hierarchy for Marspedia based on input from the 4/15/18 meeting of the Editorial Subcommittee.
Definitions of Top-Level Categories
All categories for Marspedia will roll up into the following 6 top-level categories:
• I. Mars Planetary Science - physical description of the planet; all the science data that is collected
• II. Mars Spacecraft/Robotic Missions - (non-human) - mission planning and execution history.
• III. Mars Human Exploration - human exploration concepts and planning
• IV. Mars Human Settlement - including plans & concepts, philosophical/ethical considerations, and mars analogue research
• V. Mars Outreach - Advocacy for Mars Exploration/Settlement - people and organizations (Mars Society, Marspedia, etc), political action, and public outreach & education
• VI. Mars Arts and Literature - Mars in literature, music, movies, plays, graphic arts, photography
Specific Hierarchy
Here is the newest outline format for all categories. This is a work in progress and represents all of the current stuff that was in Frank's original proposed based on MarsPapers as well as what's in Marspedia's Category:Main as modified after Subcommittee meetings of 4/9/18 and 4/15/18.
* • I. Mars Planetary Science
- ⁃ Astronomy
- ⁃ Orbit
- ⁃ Moons - Natural Satellites
- ⁃ Near Mars Objects (comets, asteroids)
- ⁃ Time Measures (day, year, calendar, …)
- ⁃ Aerography (geography)
- ⁃ Mars Atlas (place names & images)
- ⁃ Topography (surface elevation maps, …)
- ⁃ Atmospheric Sciences (composition, pressure, climate, weather, seasons, …)
- ⁃ Gravimetry (subsurface density map)
- ⁃ Surface Spectroscopy (gamma, infra-red,…)
- ⁃ Areology (geology)
- ⁃ Geologic processes (age of features, volcanism, faulting, erosion, …)
- ⁃ Mineralogy (distribution, abundance)
- ⁃ Hydrology (distribution of surface water, ice)
- ⁃ Mars Meteorites
- ⁃ Astronomy
I. Mars Planetary Science
Moons - Natural Satellites
Comets (crossing Mars orbit)
Asteroids (crossing Mars orbit)
Time Measures (day, year, calendar, …)
Areography (geography)
Mars Atlas
Place Names
Surface Elevation (including maps)
Atmospheric Sciences (composition, pressure, climate, weather, seasons, …)
Hydrology (distribution of near surface water) [TBD, moved down]
Gravimetry (subsurface density map)
Surface Spectroscopy (gamma, infra-red,…)
Areology (geology)
Geologic processes (age of features, volcanism, faulting, erosion, …)
Mineralogy (distribution, abundance)
(TBD->) Hydrology (distribution of near surface water)
II. Mars Spacecraft/Robotic Missions
Mission Objectives
Search for Life
Spaceflight Science
Resource Mapping
Mission Planning (and engineering)
Power Systems
(TBD->) Sensors
Exploration Concepts
Emerging Technologies
Orbital Mechanics
Exploration Missions (historical, current, planned)
Orbital Missions
Lander Missions
Robotic Exploration
III. Mars Human Exploration
Exploration Transport Systems
Landing (EDL, Entry, Descent, and Landing
(TBD->) Cycling Craft
Human Factors (and crew considerations)
In-situ Resources (ISRU)
Analog Stations
Space Station (ISS, Earth orbital)
Moon Stations
(TBD->) Mars Orbital Stations
Phobos, Deimos Outposts
IV. Mars Human Settlement (planning)
Settlement Transport Systems
Ready for Mars
Space X
Mission Support
Settlement Planning
Pressurized Habitat Technology
Structures (non-pressurized)
Radiation Protection
Infrastructure (assembly, maintenance)
Air (oxygen extractions, distribution)
Water (drilling, extractions, distribution)
Health and Safety (medicine)
Food Growth
Food Processing and Storage
Plants, Non-food
Genetic Engineering
Mining and Manufacture
Materials (chemistry & physics)
Mining, Refining, Synthesis
Philosophy and Ethics
Commerce and Economics
V. Mars Outreach (for Mars Exploration/Settlement)
People and Organizations
Mars Society (organization and processes)
Explore Mars
Mars One
Elon Musk
Outreach Concepts
Political Action
Information Media
Marspedia - TMS
MarsPapers - TMS
Youtube videos - TMS
VI. Mars Arts and Literature
Science Fiction
SF Authors/Works
NF Authors/Works
Art (poster art, …)
Notes on Categories
Current version established by Frank C after 4/15/18 Zoom meeting of the Editorial Subcommittee. Categories were modified after extensive suggestions from Subcommittee members.
Version posted 4/15/18 by Frank C after 4/9/18 Zoom meeting of the Editorial Subcommittee. I’ve tried to keep the categories in Title Case, but I added some lower case words in parentheses to make the category more understandable and account for some items that would fall under the category. Exploration categories need work.
Per 4/9/18 discussions on Zoom the Editorial Subcommittee discussed in detail Frank's recent work on categories. We discussed refining it in the following ways:
• No more than 3 levels deep.
• Use Title Case for all category names.
• Use no more than 1-2 words for category names. Spaces are ok.
• Make Human Exploration a top-level category and further distinguish it from past robotic missions.
These notes from Frank C - 11/26/2017:
In this listing of categories, I am trying to develop a logical hierarchy. With a logical hierarchy it will be necessary to use categories with a numbering system instead of the ad hoc alphabetical listing within subcategories.
Why a hierarchy?
Marspedia focuses on the human journey to Mars that proceeds in definite steps of exploration, documentation of findings, planning for transportation and settlement, settlement, and the ongoing Martian Society, with Outreach (including Marspedia, itself) - a current focus of this effort.
These notes from Frank C - 11/25/2017:
I split Main:Concepts into :Exploration Concepts and :Settlement Concepts. I’ll have to divide up the subheadings to Concepts later. There is another Main:Settlements category that should be combined with the new :Settlement Concepts.
I moved the Main:Ready for Mars Project to a subcategory under :Missions.
I retitled Main:Resources to :Resources for Information to distinguish it from :Insitu Resources which I’ve added as a category to the :Mars Description category.
I created a :Literature category under Main:Mars Outreach and put :Science Fiction under it.
I created a fifth main category for items that focus on Marspedia itself rather than Mars and I called it Main:Marspedia. Then I moved :Help, and :Questions categories under it.