Marspedia:Editorial Minutes 6/25/2018

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Marspedia Editorial Subcommittee

We conviened this meeting as a teleconference using the Zoom.US service on June 25, 2018.


James Burk, Bruce Mackenzie, Frank Crossman, Jim LeFerve


  • Announcements
  • Action plan for the Recategorization


Announcement of partnerships with Lunarpedia and Spacepedia

James announced that we will be more closely working with Lunarpedia and Spacepedia. Lunarpedia is being modernized and a new version will be out very soon. Spacepedia was just set up and James will be pursuing a partnership with NSS to help build it out.

The three wikis will share common elements such as a similar logo scheme, shared technology components, shared volunteers, and an Interwiki syntax will exist to easily share content.

The three wikis will also be marketed and promoted together.

We had some discussion of how best to approach NSS and get them engaged on both an organizational and chapter-level.

Action Plan for the Recategorization

Action Items for Next Week