TMS:Chapter Website Setup
This is a guide for setting up a new Chapter website.
A request will come from the Mars Society's Chapters Coordinator to set up a new chapter website. The Chapters Coordinator will provide the contact information for the chapter.
Initial Setup in Dreamhost Panel
- Login to the Dreamhost Control Panel
- Select Domains > Manage Domains
- Click the blue button "Add Hosting to a Domain / Subdomain"
- Fill out the form as follows:
- Domain to Host: create a new subdomain of the form <chaptername> (eg. or
- Select the Remove WWW option.
- Run this domain under the user: Keep Create User selected.
- Type in a new user name of the form <tmschapter> (eg: tmsseattle or tmsindia). Abbreviations are ok.
- The Web & Logs directories will be pre-filled, leave them alone.
- Keep the PHP version selected as 7.2.
- Check the option for HTTPS. Secure sites are typically assumed these days.
- Keep all the other checkboxes the same
- Click & do the Captcha if it is present on the page. If is not present, go onto the next step.
- Click the blue button 'Fully Host This Domain'.
- Review the success message and make a note of the password provided for the user.
Set up Database
- Select Advanced > MySQL Databases
- Fill out the form as follows:
- Database Name: use a name of the form <tmschapter>_wp' (eg: tmsseattle_wp or tmsindia_wp)
- Use Hostname: Select the option to Create a New Hostname (at bottom of the dropdown)
- New Hostname type in mysql and select the chapter's subdomain that you set up before: <chaptername>
- First User: Select the option to Create a new user (at bottom of the dropdown).
- New Username: use the form tmschapter_db' (eg. tmsseattle_db or tmsindia_db)
- Create a strong password that is 20 letters long. You can do this various ways, eg Strong Password Generator
- Make a note of the password and paste it into the 2 fields.
- Click the blue button Add the Database Now.
Convert user to SSH
- Select Users > Manage Users
- Next to the user you created previously, click Edit.
- On the next screen, change the User Type to Shell User and make sure Disallow FTP is checked.
- Click the blue button Save Changes.
- Note: wait a few minutes before moving on to the next section, to allow the user to be converted.
Login to User & Set up Wordpress
- Open a terminal on your computer and connect via SSH to the new user account. Eg:
$ ssh
- Install WP-CLI (reference: WP-CLI)