Marspedia:Editorial Minutes 7/15/2019

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Marspedia Editorial Subcommittee Weekly Meeting

We convened this meeting as a teleconference using the Zoom.US service on July 15, 2019.


James Burk, Frank Crossman, Jim LeFavre, Stefan DuBois, Michel Lamontagne

Meeting Minutes

  • James reviewed the Trello board including several cards marked "Review" using the label feature of Trello. Anybody can review these items and mark the card Complete (another label) if they pass your review.
  • Frank provided an update on the Mars Colony Prize book publishing plan. He will be the editor of the book, and is working with Dr. Zubrin to publish it by October 2019. Marspedia & MarsPapers will be allowed to re-publish the colony design articles after the book has been in print for 1 year. During the first year, we can point to the book but after that we will be able to have more of the content on our two websites (Marspedia & MarsPapers).
  • James discussed the need to begin creating archival pages for Mars Society Conventions, as well as the early crews at MDRS and FMARS. He has all of the early materials from a web server that went offline in 2011. Stefan volunteered to head up this project.
  • James provided an update on the Mars Atlas including the 3-D Globe proof of concept created by Josh Baldwin, which James recently featured on the Mars Talk podcast. James went over the need for contextual images centered on an individual lang/long coordinate pair, and if somebody could research what solutions may be available to create one of these. Jim LeFavre volunteered to research this. Michel also offered to provide a link to the NASA JPL mars atlas that he has seen before.
  • Frank provided several other updates and ideas of what content we could have as expert articles including lists or articles of non-fiction books, movies, music, artwork and other educational materials. He will send his notes to James so that these can be created as action cards on the Trello board.
  • Michel provided several updates on articles & mini-projects he's been working on including the Colony tileset that could be turned into a game, and some 3-D modelling work he did to help the MarsVR project.
  • We discussed whether Animated Gifs were working correctly on the wiki, as well as Image Maps.

Trello Board

Trello Board