Mars design reference mission
The Mars design reference mission is a series of missions plans that have been regularly updated by NASA. The current version is no.5, with the latest addendum in 2014[1].
- Version 1 1993. Based on Mars direct. 900 tonnes mission. Crew of six.
- Version 2 1997.
- Version 3 1998. Reduced system mass, smaller launchers. 450 tonnes mission.
- Version 4 1998. Explored Nuclear thermal and electric propulsion variants
- Version 5 2009[2]. Addendum 2, 2014[3]. Ares V.
Basic parameters, version 5
- Crew of six. Long stay mission. 180 days transit times.
- Pre deploy cargo. First phase of the mission in 2030.
- 7 to 11 launches, 110 to 140 tonnes at LEO per launch. 10m x 30m shrouds.
- In-situ fuel production for vehicle return.
- Nuclear reactors for energy production.
- Multiple launches, multiple mission phases.
- 40 tonnes cargo to surface.
- Long term cryogenic storage required.