Arsia Mons

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Arsia Mons is an extinct shield volcano in the Tharsis region near the equator. It is part of the Tharsis Montes group of volcanos.

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Two views of Arsia Mons

It has been so obvious for a while that the desnfee contractors and politicians are making a fortune off the American citizens taxes. Money is exchanged(our money) in behind closed door deals that we never hear about. You notice they never mention cutting the military? Why does it take 10 years to win against a band of idiots? Now they are going to cut SS and Medicare which WE have payed for with every check earned. IT IS NOT THEIR MONEY! They steal it. Why are all the Congressman rich? How can the rich represent the average citizen? Read the book Almost a Miracle by Ferling about the revolutionary war and see how big government has become(this is exactly what they did not want). The other thing they are doing is getting as many people dependent on the government as possible so they will continue to vote these crooks in(Illegals). Who would vote out a person that gives them a check?(welfare,etc.) Obama is rich, the Clinton's are rich,Bush is rich,Kerry is rich,Edwards is rich, The Kennedy's are rich They are ALL RICH! Weiner still gets a million dollar pension even with his atrocious behavior. The Congressman get incredible health care and 80K/year when THEY retire. Obama even had the nerve to announce that they would KEEP THEIR HEALTH CARE plan and give the people the new(CRAPPY) one!!! Meanwhile they cut our paltry Social security. They throw us crumbs while they live like kings. History repeats itself. Greed never stops. Corruption in our government is rampant. It is 1775 again and the people need to once again revolt.