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This is why people are told to wait for their W-2 s. The difcerenfe is probably a deduction for something you have taken out pre-tax like health care or retirement.Did you file it yourself, or with somebody like H&R Block? If you filed through someone else, call them and ask if it was transmitted yet they're not legally allowed to send it to the IRS without having the W-2.If you filed it yourself, then you know it's already sent. In that case, you'll have to file an amended return, 1040X. You can download the form and instructions at It's not real complex, but must be filed on paper, not efiled.For your state, do it with the correct numbers from your W-2. You might end up with a letter from them too if they do their computer match with the feds before your federal return is corrected.You're not in trouble with the IRS, but you've caused yourself some unnecessary aggravation.Good luck.