Crew 187 Sol Summaries

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POSTED ONFEBRUARY 16, 2018 Sol Summary Report – February 16th Crew IKEA Sol Summary 16 Feb 2018

SOL 6:

Summary Title: Finally… Adventure Time

Author’s name: Atila Meszaros

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

I feel like I haven’t been in the Hab all day. The weather looked friendly and allowed us to make our first day of expedition. We spent most of the morning doing the growth mediums for our extremophiles, defining the microbiological points of interest and planning the activities for the arrival of the next crew.

The contractor already has almost the entire ladder of the lower deck made. Tomorrow they will come to finish it. It looks amazing. Tomorrow we will be sending some pics! While the guys worked, we managed to turn on Shannon’s car, apparently, it will not need a new battery. However, we shouldn’t take your eyes off and go carefully in case this event repeats. We picked up a package that contains equipment to record some footage at MDRS and we filled the aquaponics with water to have it almost ready by the time the next crew arrives. By the way, the Green Hab plants are looking amazing.

On our first day of adventure, we entered the Valley of the Stars in search of gypsum that may contain halophiles. Looking in any direction was simply spectacular. It is one of the most majestic places I’ve ever seen. We collected 5 different samples of vein, soil, and eruption. In a few days, we will be sending a Science Report with the findings of our first search.

It has been a very hectic day. But I am happy with everything we have achieved today. Now, I have to clean the Hab for the next crew and move to RAM (I’m going to be the first person to live there, I’m kind of excited).

Thanks for joining us tonight, Veronica!

How are you doing?


Look Ahead Plan: Recieve Supaero crew. I’m looking forward to meeting them!

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Temperature: °6C

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary

Operations Report

Science/Intern Report

Support Requested: None

POSTED ONFEBRUARY 15, 2018 Sol Summary – February 15th Crew IKEA Sol Summary 15 Feb 2018

SOL 5:

Summary Title: Shelter from the Storm

Author’s name: Atila Meszaros

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Another slow and very windy day. The ladders installations and the mud have kept us inside most of the day. However, we managed to go out and we drive Opportunity, Spirit, and Deimos. Due to the new ladder installation, I’ve been trapped in the upper deck almost all day and we had to postpone our adventures until (I hope) tomorrow. All the Hab is screaming because of the winds. It sounds pretty awesome. but I hope I can get some sleep

Thank you very much for being with us tonight!


Look Ahead Plan: Getting a new battery for Shannon’s car, taking Rovers out and I’m rooting for finally some field work and exploration!

Anomalies in work: Installation of brand new ladders for the lower deck

Weather: Temperature: 5°C

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary Operations Report

Support Requested: None

POSTED ONFEBRUARY 14, 2018 Sol Summary – February 14th Crew IKEA Sol Summary 14 Feb 2018

SOL 4:

Summary Title: Here comes the sun Author’s name: Atila Meszaros

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Busy day for everyone. The contractor came and installed the new ladders for the upper deck and just before the end of the week the new lower deck ladder is going to be installed. They look fantastic! I’ll love to be here whit the Ikea project will be complete.

Sadly, the mud persisted due to the lack of wind and warmer weather, so we couldn’t get out and do some field work, tomorrow I bet will be luckier. Instead of going out, I worked all day on the Green Hab on the aquaponics, doing some harvest and organizing everything.

Everything is looking good on Mars, but the wind is sometimes scary, inside the Green Hab, you can almost feel the wind screaming. It’s pretty amazing, though.

Thank you for being with us tonight, Sylvain!


Look Ahead Plan:

Getting a new battery for Shannon’s car, taking Rovers out and I’m rooting for finally some field work and exploration!

Anomalies in work:

Installation of brand new ladders for the upper deck Shannon’s car battery died

Weather: Temperature: 6°C

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary Operations Report

Support Requested: None

POSTED ONFEBRUARY 13, 2018 Sol Summary – February 13th Crew IKEA Sol Summary 13 Feb 2018

SOL 3:

Summary Title: Ikea and a sea of mud

Author’s name: Atila Meszaros

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

The terrible rain of yesterday, which almost left me trapped in the GreenHab last night, continued almost all night. I was waiting for some snow in the morning, but as Shannon predicted, we only had mud. I’ve only been out a couple of times and I no longer have clean shoes.

We have worked all day and we finished all the measurements and selections of the Ikea project, they have been sent to the responsible designer and we will be waiting for their response and feedback. It was more difficult than I would have imagined, but we are proud of the work.

We could not take the Rovers out to consume their batteries due the bad condition of the ground, it would have been very difficult to drive and I had to clean them after that, so we will just way until tomorrow The weather forecast is much better and will give us the opportunity to start some field work.

Look Ahead Plan:

Finally some field work and exploration!

Anomalies in work:

Mud, just hideous mud

Weather: Temperature: 4°C

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary Operations Report

Support Requested: None

POSTED ONFEBRUARY 12, 2018 Sol Summary – February 12th Crew IKEA Sol Summary 12 Feb 2018

SOL 2:

Summary Title: Time to come

Author’s name: Atila Meszaros

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

After the active day of yesterday and the night of work in the GreenHab, the morning started a little late. All morning and part of the afternoon, Shannon and I were working on the final ideas of the Ikea project and tomorrow morning we will finish it. I never thought it would be so rough. Never underestimate anything.

Today I took Opportunity and Curiosity to consume their batteries to complete their charging cycles. Opportunity’s battery dropped 9 times faster than Curiosity’s, both have almost the same number of hours of use. We have theorized that the fact of having been constantly connected had a great influence. During Crew 188 rotation, Opportunity was disconnected most of the time. We will verify this theory during the following days. In any case, within this week it is planned to get all the extensions to plug every Rover.

Today I had planned to send a GreenHab Report, but I’m just going to start working in the Green Hab, I plan to send it out tonight, but I do not think I can send it in time. I’ll send it after Coms.

Thank you very much for being with us tonight.

How are you doing, Graeme?


Look Ahead Plan:

Finishing Ikea plans, keep using the Rovers and starting some field work!

Anomalies in work:


Weather: Temperature: 5°C

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary Operations Report

Support Requested: None

POSTED ONFEBRUARY 11, 2018 Sol Summary – February 11th Crew IKEA Sol Summary 11 Feb 2018

SOL 1:

Summary Title: Bringing It All Back Home

Author’s name: Atila Meszaros

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Finally, I’m back. After a few days in the snow-capped mountains of Colorado, you don’t have any idea how much I missed the Hab. I try not to think about the time I have left. There is a lot of work to do and I’m very excited about this.

The 188 crew left during the first hours of the morning, I chose my room, I unpacked my bags and with Shannon, we planned all the activities that we are going to carry out during this week and we went ahead with some goals of the internship. We were working on the Ikea project, we have already chosen several items for the kitchen and the upper deck rooms, and we have big plans for the EVA room and the Science Dome.

The rest of the day I’ve been working in the GreenHab. A very difficult task. Most of the plants were completely dry, apparently they have not been watered for at least a couple of days and others are drowning. I will try to rescue most of them, especially the cucumbers, which were the most damaged. As Shannon mentioned, we are going to be keep just a few plants. Tomorrow I will be sending a complete GreenHab Report with aquaponics status information.

Thank you very much for being with us tonight. I hope you’re having an amazing time!


Look Ahead Plan:

Finish organizing the Green Hab, take out the Rovers and consume their batteries to complete their cycles and finish selecting Ikea items.

Anomalies in work:


Weather: Temperature: 1°C

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary Operations Report

Support Requested: None
