List of License Tags

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The policy for Marspedia is to have most content available a Public Domain/Creative Commons Zero. This is to ensure maximum usability and portability of the content for future needs.

In some cases, content is tagged with another license. One example is the articles provided by Nicole Willet, who wished to preserve attribution to her (see below under Creative Commons).

This page is here to provide a ready reference of available tag templates.


If you require a template for terms not on this page or in Category:Tag Templates, please contact a site administrator (such as James Burk.)

Public Domain

CC Zero Sign Black.svg The creator(s) of this content have released it to the public domain. For jurisdictions where this is not permitted, it is released under the terms of the Creative Commons Zero Dedication.

{{Public Domain}} The public domain template, while redundant, is available to reduce any remaining ambiguity.

Wikipedia-Based Content

All imported content from Wikipedia needs its full revision history imported. Please contact James Burk to do this with you. We have a standard method that requires admin access.

Wikipedia's W.svg CC Sign Black.svg This article is based on a Wikipedia article and is controlled by version 3.0 of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC-BY-SA).

{{Wikipedia-CC}} Beginning in mid-2009 all content on Wikipedia was converted from GFDL 1.2 to Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike.

Some legacy content at least initially was still here under the terms of GFDL 1.2. This is strongly deprecated. Only add new content from Wikipedia under this license if it was removed from Wikipedia prior to 15 June 2009. If the content is not presently available from Wikipedia, notify an administrator about this to request a listing of edits. A best practice for reconstructing unavailable histories with what can be acquired from the internet Archive is not yet developed.

Wikipedia's W.svg Heckert GNU White.svg This article is based on a Wikipedia article prior to 15 June 2009 and is controlled by version 1.2 of the the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL).


Creative Commons

CC Sign Black.svg
This article is licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 and may be freely shared, but must include this attribution.

This type of license can be used to preserve attribution to an article, or if the source content included this license already.



This article was written by Nicole Willett,
Vice Chair of Marspedia &
Education Director for

It is licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 and may be freely shared, but must include this attribution.

We have a special version of this license tag for Nicole Willet, which includes her picture.


GNU Free Document Licence

Often used before the Creative Commons licenses became available, these are for importing content to Marspedia from outside sources. Please remember to contact an administrator to ensure that the full revision history is imported if it is from another wiki.

Which revision will depend on the source.

Template:GFDL 1.3 {{GFDL 1.3}}

Heckert GNU White.svg This content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Document License 1.2.

{{GFDL 1.2}}

Specialized Licences

For artwork, fonts, software, and other content.

Template:Art Libre 1.3 {{Art Libre 1.3}}

Template:Art Libre 1.2 {{Art Libre 1.2}}

Template:SIL 1.1 {{SIL 1.1}}

Template:SIL 1.0 {{SIL 1.1}}

Template:GPL 3.0 {{GPL 3.0}}

Template:GPL 2.0 {{GPL 2.0}}

Template:LGPL 2.1 {{}}

Template:LGPL 3.0 {{}}

Trademarked Logos

Logos are often needed for identification puposes. These are typically trademarks -- often registered trademarks, and this status needs to be acknowledged.

Some trademarks such as the Creative Commons or Compact Disc logos are used to identify that something is compliant with a set of industry or legal terms, and should only be used in connection with items or content under such situations.

This graphic is a logo. It is the trademark of an organization, business, corporation, government, or other entity that uses this for identification or other purposes. Its use may be under detailed restrictions.

{{Trademarked Logo}}

Copyright Marspedia

Marspedia.png This article is Copyrighted © 2020 by Marspedia and cannot be used without permission from the Marspedia Governing Council.

For when copyright has been assigned to Marspedia. This template is only to be applied under the supervision of the Marspedia Governing Council.

{{Copyright Marspedia|year=2020}}