Mars Society Channel - YouTube
The Mars Society Channel on YouTube contains approximately 500 videos of plenary and technical presentations made at the annual International Mars Society Conventions from 2010 to 2018. It also includes a number of crew videos taken at MDRS (Mars Desert Research Station) and prepared as a summary of crew activities at the end of their two week stay in Utah. There are also videos of selected Mars Society sponsored projects such as the MarsVR Program.
To correlate the information in the Mars Society Channel of YouTube to the category tree chosen for Marspedia, we have placed #tag information in the description information that appears below the title of each video. Each video is tagged with 1-3 labels.
The relationship between the Marspedia categories and the #tags used in the video description field in the Mars Society Channel of YouTube is shown in the tables below.
To search for a specific #tag in the Mars Society Channel - YouTube
- In your browser link to the Mars Society Channel
- Below the Mars Society Header you will see a search magnifier icon to the right of the word ABOUT.
- Click on the Magnifier icon and a Search line will appear to the right.
- Type one of #tag terms from the tables below to see a list of all videos containing the #tag.
- You may add multiple #tags to the search line to refine your search.
There are a number of Playlists associated with specific Mars Society Conventions or presentations segmented into multiple videos. Type "playlist" on the Search line to see the playlists in this channel.
In the tables that follow the number of YouTube videos on the Mars Society Channel with the row #tag is as of 27 Jan. 2020.
Marspedia Specific Hierarchy | Mars Society YouTube #Categories | No. YouTube Videos |
• I. Mars Planetary Science | #MarsPlanetaryScience | 11 |
- Astronomy | #MarsAstronomy | 4 |
⁃ Orbit | #MarsOrbit | 3 |
⁃ Moons - Natural Satellites | #MarsMoons | 2 |
⁃ Mars-Crossing Asteroids | #MarsCrossingAsteroids | 0 |
⁃ Time Measures | #MarsTimeMeasures | 0 |
⁃ Aerography (geography) | #MarsAerography | 7 |
⁃ Mars Atlas | #MarsAtlas | 0 |
⁃ Topography | #MarsTopography | 1 |
⁃ Atmospheric Sciences | #MarsAtmosphericScience | 9 |
⁃ Gravimetry | #MarsGravimetry | 0 |
⁃ Surface Spectroscopy | #MarsSurfaceSpectroscopy | 0 |
⁃ Areology (geology) | #MarsAreology | 20 |
⁃ Geologic Processes | #MarsGeologicProcesses | 5 |
⁃ Areomorphology (landforms) | #MarsAreomorphology | 1 |
⁃ Mineralogy | #MarsMinerology | 5 |
⁃ Hydrology | #MarsHydrology | 21 |
⁃ Mars Meteorites | #MarsMeteorites | 3 |
Marspedia Specific Hierarchy | Mars Society YouTube #Categories | No. YouTube Videos |
• II. Mars Spacecraft/Robotic Missions | #MarsSpacecraftRoboticMissions | 19 |
⁃ Mission Objectives | #MarsMissionObjectives | 9 |
⁃ Search for Life | #MarsSearchForLife | 40 |
⁃ Spaceflight Science | #MarsSpaceflightScience | 1 |
⁃ Resource Mapping | #MarsResourceMapping | 1 |
⁃ Mission Planning (and engineering) | #MarsMissionPlanning | 21 |
⁃ Exploration Concepts | #MarsExplorationConcepts | 4 |
⁃ Orbital Mechanics | #MarsOrbitalMechanics | 1 |
⁃ Propulsion | #MarsPropulsion | 31 |
⁃ Power Systems | #MarsPowerSystems | 6 |
⁃ Communication | #MarsCommunication | 12 |
⁃ Instruments (sensors, …) | #MarsInstruments | 9 |
⁃ Emerging Technologies | #MarsEmergingTechnologies | 9 |
⁃ Exploration Missions | #MarsExplorationMissions | 4 |
⁃ Orbital Missions | #MarsOrbitalMissions | 3 |
⁃ Lander Missions | #MarsLanderMissions | 17 |
⁃ Robotic Exploration | #MarsRoboticExploration | 63 |
Marspedia Specific Hierarchy | Mars Society YouTube #Categories | No. YouTube Videos |
• III. Mars Human Exploration | #MarsHumanExploration | 39 |
⁃ Human Mission Architecture | #MarsHumanMissionArchitecture | 72 |
⁃ Exploration Transport Systems | #MarsExplorationTransportSystems | 10 |
⁃ Interplanetary Vehicles | #MarsInterplanetaryVehicles | 7 |
⁃ Descent Vehicles | #MarsDescentVehicles | 11 |
⁃ Ascent Vehicles | #MarsAscentVehicles | 4 |
⁃ Surface Vehicular Activities | #MarsSurfaceVehicularActivities | 1 |
⁃ EVA Suits | #MarsEVASuits | 7 |
⁃ Funding | #MarsFunding | 31 |
⁃ Training | #MarsTraining | 12 |
⁃ Human Factors (and crew considerations) | #MarsHumanFactors | 28 |
⁃ Medicine | #MarsMedicine | 17 |
⁃ In-situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) | #MarsInSituResourceUtilization | 15 |
⁃ Analog Stations | #MarsAnalogStations | 16 |
⁃ MDRS | #MarsMDRS | 66 |
⁃ FMARS | #MarsFMARS | 8 |
⁃ HI-SEAS | #MarsHISEAS | 3 |
⁃ Space Stations (Mars orbital) | #MarsOrbitalSpaceStations | 0 |
⁃ Moon Stations (Phobos, Deimos) | #MarsMoonStations | 2 |
Marspedia Specific Hierarchy | Mars Society YouTube #Categories | No. YouTube Videos |
• IV. Mars Human Settlement | #MarsHumanSettlement | 43 |
⁃ Settlement Transport Systems | #MarsSettlementTransportationSystems | 5 |
⁃ Ready for Mars | #MarsReadyForMars | 0 |
⁃ SpaceX Transport | #MarsSpaceXTransport | 4 |
⁃ Mission Support | #MarsMissionSupport | 0 |
⁃ Life Support Systems | #MarsLifeSupportSystems | 4 |
⁃ Air (oxygen extraction, distribution) | #MarsAir | 1 |
⁃ Water (drilling, extraction, distribution) | #MarsWater | 7 |
⁃ HVAC | #MarsHVAC | 0 |
⁃ Settlement Plans | #MarsSettlmentPlans | 1 |
⁃ Housing and Infrastructure Concepts | #MarsHousingInfrastructure | 23 |
⁃ Construction, Assembly, Maintenance | #MarsConstructionAssemblyMaintenance | 2 |
⁃ Surface Transportation | #MarsSurfaceTransportation | 1 |
⁃ Surface Vehicles | #MarsSurfaceVehicles | 4 |
⁃ Surface Transportation Networks | #MarsSurfaceTransportationNetworks | 0 |
⁃ Health and Safety (medicine) | #MarsHealthSafety | 23 |
⁃ Radiation Protection | #MarsRadiationProtection | 9 |
⁃ Diet and Nutrition | #MarsDietNutrition | 3 |
⁃ Gravity and Fitness | #MarsGravityFitness | 6 |
⁃ Psychology | #MarsPsychology | 8 |
⁃ Communications (inter/intra- settlement) | #MarsCommunications | 3 |
⁃ Energy | #MarsEnergy | 2 |
⁃ Sources | #MarsEnergySources | 5 |
⁃ Distribution | #MarsEnergyDistribution | 0 |
⁃ Storage | #MarsEnergyStorage | 0 |
⁃ Fuels | #MarsEnergyFuels | 1 |
⁃ Agriculture | #MarsAgriculture | 13 |
⁃ Growing Methods | #MarsGrowingMethods | 8 |
⁃ Food Crops | #MarsFoodCrops | 4 |
⁃ Non-Food Crops | #MarsNonFoodCrops | 0 |
⁃ Biospherics | #MarsBiospherics | 10 |
⁃ Genetic Engineering (biotechnology) | #MarsGeneticEngineering | 1 |
⁃ Livestock-Aquaculture | #MarsLivestockAquaculture | 2 |
⁃ Resources and Manufacture | #MarsResourcesManufacture | 5 |
⁃ Materials (chemistry & physics) | #MarsMaterials | 7 |
⁃ Prospecting | #MarsProspecting | 0 |
⁃ Mining and Refining (metals) | #MarsMiningRefining | 1 |
⁃ Synthesis (chemicals, polymers) | #MarsSynthesis | 1 |
⁃ Manufacture | #MarsManufacture | 3 |
⁃ Fabrication and Repair | #MarsFabricationRepair | 4 |
⁃ Waste Management and Recycling | #MarsWasteManagementRecycling | 2 |
⁃ Society | #MarsSociety | 44 |
⁃ Law | #MarsLaw | 7 |
⁃ Philosophy and Ethics | #MarsPhilosophyEthics | 43 |
⁃ Commerce and Economics | #MarsCommerceEconomics | 38 |
⁃ Government | #MarsGovernment | 9 |
⁃ Terraforming | #MarsTerraforming | 8 |
Marspedia Specific Hierarchy | Mars Society YouTube #Categories | No. YouTube Videos |
• V. Mars Outreach | #MarsOutreach | 85 |
⁃ Outreach Concepts | #MarsOutreachConcepts | 45 |
⁃ Political Action | #MarsPoliticalAction | 36 |
⁃ Events | #MarsEvents | 85 |
⁃ Competitions | #MarsCompetitions | 35 |
⁃ People and Organizations | #MarsPeopleAndOrganizations | 33 |
⁃ Mars Society | #MarsMarsSociety | 75 |
⁃ Explore Mars | #MarsExploreMars | 1 |
⁃ Mars One | #MarsMarsOne | 6 |
⁃ SpaceX | #MarsSpaceX | 4 |
⁃ Education | #MarsEducation | 44 |
⁃ Online courses | #MarsOnlineCourses | 0 |
⁃ University Degree Programs | #MarsUniversityDegreePrograms | 2 |
⁃ Information Media Sources | #MarsInformationMediaSources | 27 |
⁃ Marspedia | #MarsMarspedia | 2 |
⁃ MarsPapers | #MarsMarsPapers | 0 |
⁃ Mars Society Videos (YouTube) | #MarsMarsSocietyVideos | 0 |
⁃ Wikipedia | #MarsWikipedia | 0 |
Marspedia Specific Hierarchy | Mars Society YouTube #Categories | No. YouTube Videos |
• VI. Mars Arts and Literature | #MarsArtsAndLiterature | 8 |
⁃ Books | #MarsBooks | 1 |
⁃ Science Fiction Literature | #MarsScienceFictionLiterature | 15 |
⁃ Non-fiction Literature | #MarsNonFictionLiterature | 2 |
⁃ Essays | #MarsEssays | 0 |
⁃ History | #MarsHistory | 33 |
⁃ Plays | #MarsPlays | 0 |
⁃ Movies (motion pictures) | #MarsMovies | 16 |
⁃ Documentaries | #MarsDocumentaries | 7 |
⁃ TV Series | #MarsTVSeries | 2 |
⁃ Science Fiction Movies | #MarsScienceFictionMovies | 14 |
⁃ Music | #MarsMusic | 6 |
⁃ Photography | #MarsPhotography | 0 |
⁃ Art | #MarsArt | 12 |
⁃ Games | #MarsGames | 1 |
⁃ Board Games | #MarsBoardGames | 0 |
⁃ Computer Games | #MarsComputerGames | 1 |
⁃ AR & VR | #MarsARVR | 16 |