Hardened electronics

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Electronics in transit to, and on the surface of Mars are constantly bombarded by radiation. Hardened electronics are designed to resist the effects of this radiation to some degree, extending the wear lifespan to several months or even a couple years. Note that computer chips have grown LESS radiation resistant as they have grown smaller. As transistors have gone from trillions of atoms, to millions, to thousands of atoms, the chance of a cosmic ray 'flipping a bit' (also known as a one off event) becomes higher. It is likely that lower tech, larger chips build in early Mars industries, will be inherently more radiation resistant.

Physical Hardening

Physical shielding, such as heavy metals or a Faraday Cage can block many types of radiation before it affects the electronics. Depending on the shield strength, the incoming radiation is reduced to a lower value.

Most Martian bases are likely to have a Storm shelter for radiation protection from Solar storms. Martians may choose to put critical computers and data servers inside this storm shelter to minimize the effects of radiation.

Design Hardening

Electronics can be designed to resist radiation, to a certain degree. The size of semiconductor structures, for example, has an effect. Fine structures are more prone to radiation damage than chunky structures.

Hardened Programming

Redundancy, sanity checks, and dead man switches can ensure reliability and notify operators of errors. The system is able to continue working even if parts are damaged. The faulty parts are automatically recognized and switched off.

External Links

Expecting the Unexpected - Radiation Hardened Software (NASA)

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