Mars has a mass of 6,419 · 1023 kg. Compared with Earth this is only a little bit more than a tenth. This results in a lower Gravity as the planet is also less dense than Earth.
The gravitational acceleration is 3,71 m/s², compared to 9,81 m/s2 on Earth. The resulting weight of any body on the surface of Mars is only a bit more than a third, compared with the same body on Earth. Mass and inertia remain the same, however.
Impact on physics and nature
- Dust storms on Mars reach high altitude. Scientists found the cause in the low gravity, allowing the sand grains to bounce much higher.
- The low gravity and lack of continental drift has allowed the growth of the highest mountain in the solar system, e.g. Olympus Mons.
- A rock thrown on Mars will fly much further than on Earth.
Impact on humans
The development of human embryos might be different. Also, the long term consequences for the health of human beings is unclear. Constant physical exercise has proven to be beneficial on the ISS to reduce calcium loss and maintain muscle mass. However the difference between no gravity and low gravity is still unknown.
Impact on technology
- The pressure on bearings for the same service is lower, causing less friction and abrasion. Or lighter bearings can be used.
- A space elevator is easier to build.
Impact on plants
- Plants have grown normally on the ISS and should grow on Mars. The effect on their internal structure of the low gravity is unknown.
Impact on Settlement design
For the 2019 Mars Society settlement design contest, Kent Nebergall proposed the Eureka base design. This design addresses most of the potential problems that might arise from lower gravity by building the design about a pair of rotating ring structures capable of simulating Earth gravity by centripetal force. Usually planned for spaceships,