Mars has a mass of 6,419 · 1023 kg. Compared with Earth this is only a little bit more than a tenth. This results in a lower Gravity.
The gravitational acceleration is only 3,71 m/s². The resulting weight of any body on the surface of Mars is only a bit more than a third, compared with the same body on Earth.
Impact on nature
- Dust storms on Mars reach high altitude. Scientists found the cause in the low gravity, allowing the sand grains to bounce much higher.
- The low gravity allows the formation of the highest montains in the solar system, e.g. Olympus Mons.
Thank God! Soeomne with brains speaks!
Impact on technology
- The pressure on bearings is lower, causing less friction and abrasion.
- A space elevator is easier to build.
Open issues
- What is known about the growth of plants under low gravity?